Starting a Discipleship Group

We are all called to make disciples, but we do not always know where to start. There are hundreds of thousands of books, Bible studies, and curriculums available, but what is best for my situation? The discipleship pathways that follow are recommended starting places for a variety of discipleship relationships.

You need discipleship and people around you need discipleship. Consider family, friends, or neighbors who need discipleship and invite one or two people to walk through a discipleship path with you for a set length of time. Some pathways are shorter, and others are longer. Some are for more mature Christians, and others are for non-Christians. Pick a pathway that suits your context and set a schedule that works for you. Perhaps your group will meet once a week or maybe once a month.

Consider this example discipleship covenant and group accountability question format for when you meet together. 

Discipleship Covenant.pdf

Read the Bible Together

One of the simplest ways to disciple one another is to read and discuss the Bible together. But How? Check out the variety of acronyms and strategies for reading the Bible together below:

Many of our church members are doing a two year Bible Reading Plan. You can find that plan on the Bible app by following this link. 

A- Acknowledge your need for God to guide your time. 

B - Bring your burdens to one another and to God. 

I - Intake the Bible. Read the passage aloud slowly and at least twice. 

D - Dive deeper with good questions: 

  • How do you see the effects of the fall in this passage?
  • How do you see God's redeeming work in this passage?
  • How does this passage speak to your burdens specifically?
  • What does this passage provoke you to pray?

E - Engage with God together in repentance and prayer for one another. 

  • What does this passage say?
  • What did this passage mean to the original audience?
  • What does this passage tell us about man?
  • What does this passage demand of me?
  • How does this passage change the way I relate to people?
  • What does this passage prompt me to pray?

For more help and video explanations

Observation - What does it say?

Interpretation - What does it mean?

Application - What should I do in response?

Prayer - Adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and petition. 

For detailed and printable guides check out the Bible Study Quick Start Guide.pdf 

Discuss Sermons Together

Your pastors pour over Scripture every week and then condense their study into a sermon. To solidify and apply the sermon, consider meeting with a group to discuss the text that was preached on the previous Sunday. Consider the discussion questions below:
  • Read the passage aloud. 
  • What truths about God were emphasized in this passage?
  • What truths about humanity were emphasized in this passage?
  • How do you see God's redeeming work in this passage?
  • Were there any helpful supporting texts read in the sermon?
  • In what ways did this sermon encourage you in your walk with the Lord?
  • In what ways did this sermon convict you?
  • Were there any aspects of the sermon you did not understand? Were there questions that it provoked?
  • How should this passage lead us to pray together?