SRCC Training is our theological training and leadership development program. Each semester at least two core classes are offered and at least one elective will be offered at 8:30 AM on Sunday mornings.
If you take a core class each semester for three years, you will have completed the SRCC Training core curriculum. It is recommended that you begin with our beginner courses, but it is not required.
Below, you will find example courses, electives, and residency programs that we offer.
Core Classes:
Life on Mission - Spiritual Formation - Biblical Theology 1 & 2 - Systematic Theology 1 & 2
Apologetics - Evangelism - Biblical Sexuality - Global Missions - Teaching the Bible - Engaging Roman Catholicism
Teachers: Ray Telschow, Cole Austin, and Seth Shelnutt
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to focus on developing habits God has provided to help us grow more like Him - three key areas or “pathways” God has given us to enjoy his grace. We will explore the regular disciplines of hearing his voice in the Word, having his ear in prayer, and being a part of his body in the church.
Habits of Grace by David Mathis
Habits of Grace (Study Guide) by David Mathis
Teachers: Brandon Langley and Drew O'Neal
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to help us better understand the Bible as one, cohesive narrative with Jesus Christ at the epicenter. It is not required that you take Biblical Theology I before enrolling in this course.
The Return of the Kingdom: A Biblical Theology of God’s Reign by Stephen G. Dempster
Teachers: Christian Norton and Jordan Curry
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to gain a deeper understanding of who God is and what Jesus accomplished on the cross for us. We will work towards this end by studying two Christian classics, listed below:
Knowledge of the Holy by AW Tozier
The Cross of Christ by John Stott
Kid's need training too! Every semester we offer kid's classes for Babies - 5th grade.
If your child is interested, please contact us: